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Practo App

User Interface  |  User Experience  |  Visual Design

Practo makes quality healthcare affordable and accessible for over a billion Indians. The product primarily provides consumer services like booking doctor appointments, online doctor consultations & secondary services like medicine delivery and diagnostic bookings. 

The Problem


Users don't know about the diagnostic services


Users don't order medicines & health products from Practo


Lack of visibility of diagnostics & medicine delivery services


Counterintuitive Designs

User Interviews

Design Requirements

Introduce a spotlight section for Practo Care Surgeries

Improve the communication to build trust for the diagnostic services.

Improve the discovery of the medicine & health product delivery & diagnostic services.

Improve the communication by showing the discounts and offers upfront.

Low Fidelity Wireframes

practo appstorefront collated for web-03-03.png
practo appstorefront illustrations-02.png

Visual Design: Icons & illustrations

Practo Final Design

High Fidelity Screens

practo appstorefront FINAL SCREENS-04.png
practo appstorefront FINAL SCREENS-05.png


The designs were initially tested with 20% of the active users, which resulted in a significant increase in the CTR. There was an overall increase in conversion rate (1.75x) for diagnostic services & Practo Care Surgeries. 

However the conversion rate for the medicine delivery did not have significant changes. This was mainly because the operations of the medicine delivery was not up to industry standards.

Practo Performance
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